Leslie sees one seal and two hawks (and a PS at end)

Leslie Day, author of Field Guide to the Natural World of NYC writes on 3/16/08:
Hi Marie - Before I checked on the Riverside Park hawks, I walked down to the kayak dock at 72nd Steet on the Hudson and there was a harbor seal.
Then I walked north to check on the hawk nest. The female has been spending more and more time in the nest arranging branches. She was so far inside that, for awhile, I couldn't see her. Then she perched on the top just as the male arrived carrying a branch filled with oak leaves, which he spent time arranging. Here, she's looking down at his work and when he flew off, she went back inside the nest.

PS. Here's the jacket of Leslie's new book. It just went into a third printing!
PPS--I went down to check the nest last night, at about 7 pm, and guess what? The female is sitting on the nest for the night. Last night was the first time she did that, according to hawkwatcher Jean Dane. Eggs are on the way!
PPPS Leslie just sent an update:
The seal is back. It's spent the morning going on and off the 72nd St. kayak launch dock.
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