FLASH! And three photos of fall migrants [one a nester]
FLASH: Amazingly, the Connecticut Warbler is still to be seen at the Pinetum today - Saturday, 10/11/08. You don't need exact directions. Go to the northwest end of the Pinetum and scan the nearby area for a crowd of birdwatchers. I guarantee they'll be there.
Now for the regular migrants still being seen throughout the park:
Two warbler photos of the last few days by
David Speiser

Yellow-rumped Warbler -- 10/8/08
and a Song Sparrow in the Maintenance Meadow,
photographed by Murray Head on 10/8/08

Note: While no warblers nest in Central Park, several pairs of Song Sparrows do. This bird may be one of the host of migrants passing through the park on the way to wintering grounds, or it may be one of the nesters, also heading south
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