Olive-sided Flycatcher

Today at 10:19 a.m., regular birder Alice Deutch sent in the first report of an Olive-sided Flycatcher to eBirds via her iPhone. It was perched on a bare tree in the vicinity of "the Riviera." The bird is not hard to identify -- it's the only flycatcher that seems to be wearing a dark "vest".
The Olive-sided Flycatcher is a harbinger of the imminent end of fall migration. And, almost always, the bird is seen sitting conspicuously at the top, or on a limb of a tall, bare tree or snag, just as it was when Alice spotted it this morning. This ease of sighting makes me wonder why I couldn't find an image of it on any of the websites of the great Central Park photographers I usually feature on this page. Maybe I missed it. In any event, I found the photo above via Google Images.
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