Thirty-six species and a PS

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The Pine Warbler was one of the [at least] 36 species of birds seen [and many heard] this morning between 7 and 9 a.m by the lucky birdwatchers on the first of 8 Spring Migration walks led by the American Museum's great artist and birder and teacher Steve Quinn.
Among the other highlights: a Palm Warbler, both kinds of Kinglets, a Winter Wren and a Hermit Thrush.
And also, my first sightings of many birdwatchers who may only be seen in Central Park at this time of year: the Migratory Birdwatchers, as I think of them.
I signed up for this series of walks last January and have been eagerly looking forward to the opening day of the season ever since. Today's was one of the best.
PS Steve Quinn , by the way, is the author of one of my favorite Nature and Art books: Windows on Nature: The Great Habitat Dioramas of the American Museum of Natural History (2006).
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