Sunday, October 24, 2010

Rare warbler not going hungry

Prothonotary Warbler accepting Rebekah's offering 10/23/10

[So much for the hot dog buns and bread crusts the warbler has been getting until now. Lately, Rebekah Creshk0ff has been providing the special visitor at the New York Public Library with organic Valencia Peanuts. Rebekah's customers are usually the lucky cardinals, white--throated sparrows, woodpeckers and other denizen of the North Woods who share her offerings of organic peanuts and other delicacies [even mealworms on occasion!] She is such a regular bird feeder there that in the winter an eager avian welcoming committee often greets her on Columbus Ave, a block before she enters the park.]

Sharing the bounty with a Hermit Thrush

both photos by Rebekah Creshkoff, 10/23/10