Sunday, April 28, 2013

Exciting Bird in the North Woods and a Loon on Reservoir

Yellow-crowned Night Heron - photo by LLOYD SPITALNIK taken at the Marine Nature Study Area, Oceanside, L.I., NY  on 6/6/2009

Ethan Goodman wrote today at 7:13 am [via eBirdsNYC]:

I just had a Yellow-crowned Night Heron in the North Woods high in a tree off the woodchip path. Central Park first for me. 

He added at 5:21 pm:

Following up on my prior post to clarify, the Yellow-crowned Night Heron was an adult in full plumage with clear yellow crown, and as such unmistakable as a YC rather than a BC. I saw it fly in from the east and land high in a tall oak near the big rock along the woodchip path at about 7am, but it was not there I returned with some other birders a couple of hours later. (If there's a better name for this area, please let me know. "The Ridge"?)

Generally, variety was good this morning, if overall numbers left something to be desired. Other notables from the North End and elsewhere in CP:
Palm Warbler (woodchip path)
Prairie Warbler (2: loch, woodchip path)
BT Green Warbler (woodchip path)
Yellow Warbler (2: east of the blockhouse, later at the Point)
American Redstart (FOY, about 4 total: loch, strawberry fields)
N. Parula (2 in N End, 1 at Azalea pond)
N. Waterthrush (among 3 Waterthrushes in Loch, probably all Northern)
Black-and-White Warbler (very numerous now)
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (also very numerous now)
Blue-headed Vireo (more than I've ever seen in CP)
Chimney Swift (4 or so flying high above north end)
Red-breasted Nuthatch (loch)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (FOY, where iron-railed bridge crosses Gill)
Gray Catbird (FOY, so actually exciting)
RC Kinglet (along with Yellow-rumps, the most abundant Warblerish)
Field Sparrow (Falconer's Hill)

Chipping Sparrows are still around, in somewhat reduced numbers. Same for Swamp Sparrows. Hermit Thrushes seem to have abated somewhat but are still very present. And Blue-headed Vireos are truly earning their not-so-new name this year, as they are anything but solitary: I must have had at least 15 over the course of the day. Others in the ramble were reporting Worm-eating, Magnolia and Black-throated Blue warbler, none of which I saw today.

 Ardith Bondi reports: 
At least one Common Loon in breeding plumage was still 
on the Reservoir at 3pm today (Sunday, April 28, 2013). 
Was on the west side, but pretty far out and moving around
a lot while fishing.

Finally, Lynn Hertzog writes at 5:47pm 
Adding to Ethan's list -

 In the North Woods I had a late Golden-crowned Kinglet,
 heard an Ovenbird  and observed 2 male Baltimore Orioles.
Gorgeous day!