Friday, April 12, 2013

Tom takes a sparrow-y walk

              Blue-gay Gnatcatcher -- wikipedia

Tom Fiore's report, mainly of yesterday's migrants in the North Woods:

Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

Thursday, 11 April, 2013

Incidental of migration & not-yet-migrated, N. Shovelers remain at the reservoir, along with other ducks mentioned in reports from the park on 4/10. An Osprey flew over early today.

Somewhat slower in the north end, with a number of migrant birds having moved on. A couple of Purple Finches were bubbling in song in the far north woods, perched up as the "5" minutes of sun just after sunrise shone through all the clouds. There were also a few American Goldfinch in the north, but that is not so new in comparison with the raspberry-finches.

A Blue-gray Gnatcatcher was again by the Blockhouse in early a.m., and the one species I found to have a modest increase were Field Sparrows, with a few small flocks mixing with Chipping Sparrows, Slate-colored Juncos, & a few other sparrows. I failed to locate even one warbler in walking around the north, although I'm sure a few were about. I know that at least the Palms and some Pines were seen by others in other areas.  A nice number of E. Towhees added to the sparrow-y feel to my walk, with "red" Fox, multiple Swamp, Song, & plenty of vocal White-throated Sparrows rounding out the rest of them.