Cal Vornberger sends photos
Wood Duck as Narcissus

Bufflehead as Charles Lindberg

author of recently published book The Birds of Central Park
In the interest of full disclosure, I wrote the book's Introduction
Cal writes:
Hi Marie:
Attached are a couple of photos taken over the weekend at the Harlem Meer. It's amazing to watch (and photograph) the Buffleheads getting a running start in order to build up enough speed to get airborne. The two female Wood Ducks continue at the Meer. Their favorite food seems to be the acorns of the oak trees on the east side of the Meer. Yesterday I watched them hop out of the water and root around on the ground for acorns (in the company of 1/2 dozen Mallards.)
I would also like to tell you about the new and improved Birds of Central Park forums (See link below) There is a new photo gallery where people have been uploading their shots of Central Park (not just birds) and a numer of forums where I have been posting news and information about birds and birding in the park. There is a Pale Male and Lola forum where I started by placing a link to Jim's genealogy. There is a Pale Male and Lola gallery in the photo section too!
I have added some news feeds from the New York Times, NPR, and other places. The feeds are mostly science and photography related and there are some interesting gems there. Anyone can become a member---it's free and easy to sign-up!
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