Squirrel Power

A reader writes:
I bought a bag of organic black walnuts from ebay. Try as myself and my family might, we couldn't open them. Our attempts included laying them in cloth on a concrete slab and hitting them with a hammer! Nothing. We planned a trip to Key West, and decided to bring these walnuts, in case we saw some squirrels. At a park, a TINY, and I mean TINY baby squirrel happened near us. We offered it (her?) a black walnut, and she took it, ran to a nearby branch, cracked it open with not the least bit of trouble, and came near us hoping for another. It was truly amazing. She was about 4 times as big as the walnut. A tiny, cute powerhouse.
Thank you for your web site & all your work. It's a pleasure to read.
PS The Central Park Red Squirrel is doing fine. He seems to be moving his cache of nuts and acorns to a new location. The photo above was taken by BRUCE YOLTON.
PS The Central Park Red Squirrel is doing fine. He seems to be moving his cache of nuts and acorns to a new location. The photo above was taken by BRUCE YOLTON.
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