A New Year's Day report

There were two Cooper's Hawks in the Ramble this morning. One spent a few minutes in the tree next to the GHO, before flying in the direction of the Sheep Meadow.
The Red ESO was back in her hole on the path between the Boathouse and the Maintenance Field. (Warm day.)
Discovered a Raccoon in a tree at the Pool end of the Loch.
Veronica reported seeing Charlotte on her standard left chimney Hampshire House spot staying there most of the afternoon. Saw three Hawks myself, an immature around 97th near 5th Avenue, an adult between the Great Hill and the Pool, and one of the 5th Avenue hawks in a tree between the Great Lawn and Turtle Pond.
Nice views of American Coots and Hooded Mergansers on the Reservoir.
Not too bad for a gray winter afternoon.
Happy New Year!
Bruce Yolton
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