Connecticut warbler alert

photo by Lloyd Spitalnik
Just in case anybody's reading this in mid-afternoon [It's 3:04pm] here's a chance to see a very special Central Park bird, and, at the same time, huge numbers of other birders undoubtedly looking for it. The alert went out on eBirds a couple of hours ago, sent in by Lloyd Spitalnik. Here's what he wrote:
Hi all, Eve Levine just called with a sighting of a Connecticut Warbler. It's located around the rocks which lie between Iphigene's Walk and the Tupelo Field Hopefully, it'll be staked out so when you arrive there'll be people around. If you enter the park on east 79th Street and walk up Cedar Hill, cross the drive and go towards the Maintenance Field. Pass the bathrooms and continue until you see the rocks. Good luck if you go, -- Lloyd
PS from Marie-- Also seen today, Bluebirds near Tanner Spring and a Northern Waterthrush near Triplets bridge.
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