Tom Fiore reports on ducks and fall flowers

Hi Marie,
A visit to Central Park's reservoir Monday revealed at least 5 handsome drake Hooded Mergansers, with 50+ N. Shovelers, 12+ Buffleheads, & the "usual gang" of Ruddy Ducks, this Monday (Nov. 2) noon around the reservoir's northeast sector, where the ducks were more sheltered from winds. A Pied-billed Grebe or 3 were also in the area (as were 2 Laughing Gulls - not too uncommon until about late November in recent years).
Fall color has fully arrived in foliage and for those who enjoy it, the Conservatory Garden's autumn Chrysanthemum display is at its brightest now - it will last a week or more if not touched by frost, or pulled out too soon by CPC. The flowers can take a very light frost & used to be allowed to remain but in recent years the display is interrupted so that the tulip bulbs for next spring's display can be planted in the earth while mild enough.

2 photos by Lloyd Spitalnik
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