Thursday, April 08, 2010

The park is hopping today

Louisiana Waterthrush -- April 2009-- Photo by David Speiser

Posted on eBirds this morning:

Hi everyone,

I saw the Louisiana Waterthrush at exactly 8:30 this morning at Azalea Pond. I had to make two loops before I found it, but it appeared on the ground swishing its rump from side to side, then flew up into a small tree, and then flew away across the path, and I couldn't re-find it.

Also, many Palm Warblers, 1 Pine Warbler (Strawberry Fields), Hermit Thrushes and Flickers all over the place, Ruby-crowned Kinglets all over, 1 female Yellow-bellied Sapsucker near the Gill, a group of 8 to 10 Cedar Waxwings near the Gill and then at Azalea Pond area, 2 Swamp Sparrows, 1 male Eastern Towhee near the Gill, and a gorgeous Red-tailed Hawk that perched on a branch not 15 ft. from me at Azalea Pond - cool!!!

Plus lots of other usual suspects.

Happy birding,
Stephanie Seymour Englewood, NJ