How to find Pale Male and Lola
At the Metropolitan Museum of Art

At the rail outside the Delacorte Theater

The Beresford -- 81st and CPW

78th St. and Fifth Ave.

Bruce Yolton, one of the most dedicated watchers of the Trump Parc nest last spring and summer, offers some advice to Central Park visitors hoping to catch a glimpse of our famous hawk couple:
I'm always running into tourists who arrive at the Hawk Bench [near the statue of Hans Christian Andersen at the Model Boat Pond] looking for Pale Male and Lola. They should know that these days the redtail celebrities usually hang out a bit further north and west (77th - 82nd Sts, anywhere between 5th Avenue and Central Park West). So be prepared to take a short walk.
Head north from the Hawk Bench past the Alice in Wonderland statue and up to Cedar Hill. That's around 79th St. After checking the 5th Avenue buildings from the top of Cedar Hill, scanning the rooftops, TV antennas etc. for the hawks, take the path up the hill, cross the East Drive and head for the Great Lawn, passing the Polish Statue. Follow the path to Turtle Pond . Once there, you can check the buildings visible on Central Park West for the hawks, then check the Castle directly above Turtle Pond, and the lighting towers of the Delacorte Theater. Look in the trees along the Great Lawn. Over the past few weeks, I've almost always found at least one of the hawks on this short circuit.
If you don't find them, spend a little time looking for the Red Squirrel in the Black Locust Grove directly west of the Great Lawn, and then venture off to the Reservoir just north of there to look for ducks. Come back in an hour and retrace your steps back to the Hawk Bench, looking for Pale Male and Lola along the way. You'll probably find them.
On the 5th Avenue buildings south of the Metropolitan Museum of Art
On the Beresford Building on CPW either in the oval window or on the north tower on top of the construction riggings
On trees just north of Turtle Pond or on the southern edge of the Great Lawn
In the lighting towers of the Delacorte Theater
On top of Belvedere Castle
On the Metropolitan Museum of Art (SW corner) or on trees near the Obelisk
[The photos above show some of these places]
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