Two lingering warblers and another fast-action shot of a Wood Duck
Cal Vornberger, whose book Birds of Central Park might solve some of your holiday gift problems, writes
Hi Marie:
There was a late-lingering Yellow-rumped Warbler down by Triplets Bridge [just west of Balcony Bridge] yesterday [11/4/05] in company with the Northern Waterthrush that has been there for a while.

I found out what type of oak trees those are on the east side of the Harlem Meer: Turkey Oak. They are so named because they come from Turkey. They are cold resistant and the ducks and geese seem to love the large nuts. Most of the acorns are gone now but the Wood Ducks have taken to diving for them where the oak tree's branches overhang the water.
Here is a photo of a Wood Duck who snagged a Turkey Oak acorn three days ago [12/2/05]:

Photos by Cal Vornberger
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