Field Notes from Hawk View (Junior's nest) 6-4-05
Sunset 8:24PM (NYT),
Temp. 76F,
Humidity 66%,
Wind WSW 5-10MPH,
All times PM unless otherwise noted. Hawkwatchers:
Kenturian, Sam, Donna, Susanna, Uma.
Hawk View-On rock hill, crowned by Cob Cot, southern
end of park, slightly N and W of Trump Parc. Shady and
pleasant with a snack vender very close, bathrooms a
bit further. Construction of penthouse on adjoining
building may soon obscure view.
5:22 Both hawks on nest looking into concave.
5:23 Dark Lady noticably bigger than Jr., she's very
dark and streaked with fluffy face, even streaked
jodphurs, and sturdy looking beak, Jr looks much like
Pale Male, with slightly less concerned brow, though
still has The BROW and possibly slightly ligher eyes,
but not by much, no molting apparent. Jr on watch,
back to Cobs Cot, Dark Lady forward.
5:24 Jr up and into park.
5:25 Dark Lady pulling bits of food off prey.
5:26 She dips beak with tidbit deep into concave. She
continues pulling bits off prey and then dipping beak
into concave to feed. May be dipping beak into two
5:35 Jr returns to nest with pigeon. Dark Lady
prepares it, feathers fly as she plucks it. She eats
some feathers. She removes entrails. Eats a tidbit
then begins to feed.
5:39 Dark Lady looks into nest, works beak, Jr on N
side of nest, looks in. Dark Lady changes position
slightly to more center nest looks in, definitely
feeding to different position.
5:46 Dark Lady off nest for break, PM on
nest...mantles momentarily.
5:51 Nest exchange, Jr off, Dark Lady on.
5:58 Dark Lady down in nest, tail to Cob cot.
6:06 Tip of tail visible.
6:10 Dark Lady is on nest but can't be seen.
6:36 Dark Lady stands, rips off more feathers from
prey, eats feathers, rips off large chunk of meat,
works it with beak, to make smaller bits (?), starts
feeding, feeds six tidbits. She has a bite. Moves
slightly to different spot, feeds.
6:43 She begins to make feeding motions, one deep, the
next not so deep, then deep, then not so deep.
6:45 Still feeding, tail slightly more W.
6:47 Pulls more meat from prey while holding it down
with talons.
6:52 Very rapid feeding, changes position, head to
different spot.
6:53 Jr circles in front of Trump Parc, keeps
circling, gains altitude, goes past to W.
6:55 Dark Lady pops onto nest, unwelcome visitor?
6:56 Jr circles between Green Roof and Darth Vader
office building, Dark Lady stands, alert and ready.
6:57 Dark Lady starts to settle, then does some kind
of arranging in concave with beak and feet, settles
slightly off center.
6:58 Only tail tip seen.
7:16 Dark Lady high in nest, head showing, quick head
movements, being buzzed by large insect. She settles
7:46 Jr arrives on nest with small rat in his beak he
gives it to Dark Lady, from his beak to her beak.
7:47 Golden light, Dark Lady rips prey and feeds,
dipping beak into concave, different locations. Jr
stands closer to viewer, Dark Lady feeds on the other
side of him. Large insect is back, buzzes Jr., he
makes beak movements.
7:52 Jr triangulating to West side of park.
7:54 He looks down into concave. Dark Lady still
7:57 Bug is back with a vengence, Sam's young eyes say
it is a HUGE fly, it buzzes both Dark Lady and Jr.
7:58 Jr. looks into nest.
7:59 Jr preens feathers, full tail fan, triangulates.
8:00 Humongo fly is back, quick hawk head twists.
8:02 Dark Lady up and off the nest taking the
leftovers for her dinner.
8:08 Nest exchange, Dark Lady on, Jr. off and flies W
past southern most AOL Time Warner building.
8:09 Exit
Submitted-Donna Browne