Please make these corrections
I'm sure many new readers have bought Cal Vornberger's book Birds of Central Park since I posted the following corrections last year. The publisher has not yet published a printing with corrections, I've just found out. is my message again:
Dear Readers:In Cal Vornberger's Birds of Central Park the page references in my Foreword to the book need correcting. Here's why:
Between the time I handed in the copy for my essay at the beginning of Birds of Central Park. and the time the book went to press, some major changes were made in the book's design. This made all the page references wrong. Unfortunately nobody seems to have proofread the Foreword and it was published with the incorrect references.
So, if you have this book on your shelf, please take a nice black pen, turn to pages 6-7, and make the following corrections, crossing out the wrong page numbers and putting in the correct ones.
On p. 6 [of the Foreword]- par. 5-- the Woodcock is on p. 23 [not p. 11]
par.6 -- the Oriole is on pages 94-95 [not 82]
par. 7--the Flicker is on p. 194 [not p. 184]
on page 7 - first par:
Robins are on p.110-111 [not p.98]
the Woodthrush is on p. 114-115 [not p. 102]
the Red-winged Blackbird is on p. 137 [not p. 125]
I am extremely unhappy to have these mistakes appear in my essay. I'll feel better to think that at least a few copies [yours] will send readers to the right pages.