LEO [s] at Last
Yesterday David Speiser, notable Central Park nature photographer, sent in the photo above, taken on Dec 6, 2007. He wrote on e-birds:
A Long-eared Owl was found by Lincoln this past Thursday. I was lucky
that I had a brief window to take some shots. I understand the
bird/birds are still present today. Not my best pictures but still a Long-eared nonetheless which has been quite rare in CP the last few years.
Ben Cacace was there yesterday and noted that there were TWO Long-eared owls in the location. He noted that the fly-out was at 4:58 pm, about twenty minutes after sunset.
The pair of screech owls reported last week are still present in a fairly public area to the southeast of the LEOs.
FOR THE OWLS' PROTECTION, the exact locations of daytime roosts are not given on a public posting like this one or e-birds. . If you wish to see the owls, get in touch with a regular Central Park birdwatcher who will happily share the location with other birdwatchers and nature lovers.