Look into my eyes, if you dare
Bob Levy writes:
I had so much positive feedback about my images of a particular Central Park Raccoon den that I’m pretty sure many will enjoy this. The first two shots appeared on Marie’s post of Sept. 22 entitled “Nosy Raccoon Tale.” I’m certain this latest image is the same Raccoon cub in the first of those shots and is likely the same one I caught snoozing in the same tree cavity. This new image was made at sunset in the same place. The light was not the best as you can see but if you zoom in you will find it rewarding. The sideways pose is great but what really “gets me” are those crossed paws. And there is no danger gazing into those eyes. No, this Raccoon could not be possessed but it sure “gotta hold” of me.
PS from Marie: It took me a little time to figure this one out. After zooming in twice I realized that one of the paws I thought I saw was actually a paw-like bump in the tree trunk underneath, and only the kid's head and ends of paws are sticking out of the den hole. I found the picture oddly haunting, and now I'm looking for an exorcist .