Another Bad Hair Day [and not just for a bird]
Bob Levy writes:
On August 14, 2007 you published a photo of a Northern Cardinal I call Papa Museum in a piece entitled “Bird’s Bad Hair Day.” This adult male was well into his molt and the plumage on his lower extremities looked like the aftermath of an explosion in a mattress factory. A short while ago I found an adult female I call Mama Castle in nearly the same condition. Not only could she be described as having a bad hair day but perhaps a facial would have been a good idea too. I guess the “exploding feathers condition” is not as rare as I had once thought.
Ps. If you can enlarge this shot a few times it gets better but even in her heavy molt Mama Castle is beautiful at least to me. But hey, you know how much I admire this species.
Note from Marie
Something about Bob's Mama Castle reminds me of myself in a mirror these days as I'm trying to make my final deadline. The facial would certainly help.
Thanks, Bob, for sending me your bright vignettes about turtles, raccoons and cardinals.
Thanks David S. for your great bird pix.
I'm not getting into the park much, these days, and won't till the end of the month. I'll post whenever I can. Can't wait until winter!