Saturday, May 09, 2009

Why we love termites

In the park yesterday [5/8/09] photographer Murray Head came upon a much-awaited annual event: a termite hatch-out. His three photos, below, capture some of the excitement:

Photographer David Speiser was there too -- the hatch-outs were happening throughout the park --and sent in the two dramatic photos below:

See more of David's pix at

To give you an idea of what happens when a hatch-out occurs, [and why birdwatchers love termites], here's a report from e-birds yesterday by J. O'Brien:

An irruption of termites brought out a large crowd at the Blockhouse, including:
12 catbirds
2 robins
3 wood thrushes
2 scarlet tanagers
1 chestnut-sided warbler
3 magnolia warblers
2 redstarts
2 black-and-white warblers
1 female yellow-rumped warbler
2 male common yellowthroats
1 black-throated green warbler
2 black-throated blue warblers
a flycatcher of sorts (probably least)
Baltimore Oriole
2 parula warblers
and a gorgeous blue winged warbler !

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Singing birds

Swamp Sparrow -- 4/9/09

Pine Warbler --April 18, 2009


Chestnut Sided Warbler -- May 27 2008

Northern Parula -- May 6, 2009

Photos 1 & 2 by Lloyd Spitalnik

Photos 3 & 4 by David Speiser

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Stopping by today

An Indigo Bunting and A Swainson's Thrush

2 photos by David Speiser -- 5/15/07 --

AND a Summer Tanager
photo by Lloyd Spitalnik -- 4/24/07

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Heard this morning, singing among many others in the Ramble

Black-throated Green Warbler -- 5/2/09
photo by David Speiser --

Seen and heard singing its lovely song this morning

Rose-breasted Grosbeak -- 5/4/07
Photo by Lloyd Spitalnik