Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Warbler species down to 9

Black & White Warbler - photo by MURRAY HEAD - Central Park - 4/24/13

from NYS-L - [New York State birds]
Date: Oct. 9, 2013

The NYC Audubon Wednesday Morning  Birding group recorded 45 species in a fairly birdie Central Park. The highlights were 9 warbler species (Parula, BT Blue, Yel-rump, Pine, Palm, B&W, Redstart, N.Waterthrush, C.Yellowthroat), many Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, good numbers of Chipping Sparrows and White-throated Sparrows, and 5 Winter Wrens, The best spot for warblers was the area just west of Triplets Bridge which had some trees opened up by Sapsuckers.
Joe Giunta   

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Sapsuckers Galore

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - Central Park - 11/13/2005

10/8/13, Tuesday
Pat Pollock

Pat Pollock reports today  [10/8/13] from The Ramble and The Pinetum:

We had a sap-ladden Locust tree in the fenced in lawn just north of Tripletts Bridge close to the midwest fence   - lots of Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers and Tennessee  & Cape May Warblers in addition to other warblers:  Black & White, Northern Parula, Magnolia & No. Waterthrush @ Triplett's Bridge.  I had 10 warblers in various locations:  Yellow-rumped Warbler in Pinetum, Palm W. near Polish Statue, Ovenbird west edge of park on our way out, Common Yellowthroats in a few locations.|
Pinetum:  very pale imm. White-crowned Sparrow
E. Phoebe
Wood Pewee
Maintenance Field:
2 Indigo Buntings (f)
Field Sparrow
Brown Thrasher - several places
E. Towhees
Scarlet Tanager - slope east of Main. Bldgs.
Cedar Waxwings
Northern Flickers

(Note:  others had Kingfisher @ Oak Bridge & Great Blue Heron, Cuckoo near Tupelo tree.  I never got to Strawberry Field but Richard's group said it was very productive:  Lincoln Sp., Blk-thr. Green & Blue W's are among the birds I heard of)|