Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Plaza Redtails [continued]

Murray Head continues his exciting reportage accompanied by splendid photography of the Red-tailed Hawks building a nest on The Plaza Hotel . In the last episode it wasn't clear whether the hawks would persevere:

The Plaza Hotel: It's all happening here.
Murray Head reports:

Hi Marie,

They decided that they would take it.
It's the view that clinched it.

I will find out if the light is usually on...
and wonder if so, how it may impact them.

They dropped a branch once or twice,
but I think it was caught in time.

I think, beyond your Blog the nest should 
be kept quiet.

I wonder if either could be a Palemale child... 
carrying on the tradition.


Sunday, February 28, 2016

I usually stick to Central Park here, but

The following communication from Murray Head, received yesterday,  is too good not to share:

Hi Marie,

About the Red-tails Staying at The Plaza:

They are indeed there, as Tom mentioned in your last post. 
(See today's photos below)

If they decide to move in, I sincerely hope the management 
does not cause a problem. If it does, you may have to get your
Cardinal outfit out and prepare to stand up for them.
(See further below)

photos by MURRAY HEAD

photo by Ardith Bondi - 2004 
At the Protest after Red-tail nest removal at Fifth Ave.
[That's my husband, Allan Miller, waving at the right]

photo by Cal Vornberger
                    At the Protest in 2004
-- The other "Red Tailed Hawk" is Rebekah Creshkoff 

[We look a bit like Cardinals, don't we?]