Pale Male nest suggestion and Blakeman's reply
[Photo won't upload this morning]
Shortly after the news came that the NYC Audubon was planning to retrieve the eggs at Pale Male's failed nest , a letter from a website reader arrived in my e-mail box, I forwarded it to John Blakeman, noting that he had commented on this issue several times before. I rather hoped he wouldn't dismiss the suggestion entirely. And indeed, as you will see, he did not.
PS I also forwarded Blakeman's answer to Glenn Phillips, executive director of NYC Audubon. Haven't heard back yet. But I'm hopeful.
While the scaffolding is up to collect the eggs from the once again failed nest of the famous couple, is there any possible chance that the gap between the concrete and the nest cradle can be filled in with animal friendly insulation as outlined on Lincoln Karim’s archived website of structural necessities for their nesting site to promote successful hatching? The spikes were taken out in early 2008 but none of the other outlined issues were ever addressed. Does anyone know why? It would seem that the nest cradle being so many inches off of the concrete gives the nesting pair a false sensed of reality as to how deep their nest bowl really is and they don’t build and insulate it deep enough to keep those cold March/April night/day winds out of the nest even though they both vigilantly incubate. It would be a very long shot to say Pale Male is suddenly “infertile” the seasons after humans destroyed his decade long successful nest; humans need to figure out a way to make this work again.
Please do what you need to do to help them out.
Failure is not an option for 2009!
A dedicated
Sheryl Pew
Westborough MA
Blakeman responded: