Thursday, April 17, 2014

Tom Fiore's report on TODAY's birds in the park

Blue-gray gnatcatcher - courtesy

Thursday, 17 April, 2014  -  Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

At least some mid-April birds are being found, if not a whole lot, in this chilly weather pattern ending out the week.  Black-and-white, Pine, Palm, & Yellow-rumped Warblers, as well as a 2nd-in-the-park Common Yellowthroat, graced the Ramble & vicinity; a number of Kinglets (both species) and Blue-gray Gnatcatchers have been around, and a smattering of Hermit Thrush, Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, Yellow-shafted Flickers, & a very modest showing for the date of typical migrant sparrows . On the reservoir, a near-full-breeding-plunaged Red-necked Grebe continues as do some N. Shovelers and Buffleheads. Also there, as well as a few other locations in the park, modest numbers of Barn, N. Rough-winged, & less-common in early spring (in CP) Tree, Swallows.   A Blue-headed Vireo at the n. end (Loch) is been one of few so far, but it is still just ahead of that species peak arrival.  2 Baltimore Orioles remain in & around the Ramble, these the "pair" that over-wintered in Central, also likewise for a small number of Brown Thrashers & E. Towhees which are still around, thus far into mid-April - while most birders anticipate a good many more migrants by this weekend or at 'worst' by early next week.

Good (bye to snow!) birding,

Tom Fiore

Monday, April 14, 2014

Tom Fiore's Sunday Report

Sunday, 13 April, 2014 - Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

Some reports of interest include a very bright breeding-plumaged Red-necked Grebe seen at the Meer quite early, unfortunately flushed from the water, along with most other nearby birds, by a dog jumping in...  A short while later, a number of observers were seeing a Red-necked Grebe again at the reservoir, & again, in breeding plumage. It is not entirely possible to know if there was a 5th, or even 6th (of this year, in Central Park) Red-necked Grebe visiting Central Park today but there have without any question been 4 individuals, each in somewhat distinct stages of plumage. To my knowledge there have not been any simultaneous sightings of more than one individual Red-necked Grebe on any given day yet this year.

There are some other interesting reports of various birds from today in Central, yet overall many observers noted that it was not really that "active" for migration in the park, perhaps a bit of a "lull". Look for the possibility of unusual or unexpectedly early birds in the next week, esp. as a modestly strong warm front - right now - is pushed east, by a storm/cool front, & also as indicated by (so far) a modest number of more southerly species showing up a bit early in the northeast.  A few of these, such as Swallow-tailed Kite in Massachusetts today may have already been in that area or maybe not.  Also, some out-of-range (or date) birds may just gradually get noticed, depending on how well-birded the locality is & a good reason why "local patch" birding is also of great interest, value, & sometimes, excitement.

good birding,

Tom Fiore

PS from Marie: The emphasis is mine.