Monday, August 18, 2014

Hooded Warbler!

Pat Pollock writes on 8/18: 

8/17, 8/16/, & 8/15/14, Sat. & Sun.

8/17, Hooded Warber (M) gorgeous, first found by Andrew Rubenfeld north side of Azalea Pond Sun. a.m.,  re-found by Magda just west of Lopate Bridge, and later by me west of path running between Lopate/Summerhouse and seen by a few others, moving about low to ground and in circular movement.  

 Junko found it east of Lopate along Gill early this morning.  I haven't gotten in yet today. She had a Worm-eating W. SW of Tupelo tree, and several of us had Blue-winged W. on Sat. [8/16]. 

There were other migrants:  Yellow-Billed Cuckoo on Saturday., N. of Azalea Pond and Warbling Vireo, Canada Warbler., Redstarts, Yellow Warbler, B&W Warbler, Red-eyed Vireo. also on Saturday. Azalea Pond area;  Blue-gray Gnatcatcher & Ruby-throated Hummingbird at Upper Lobe. On Sunday, I believe,  in Upper Lobe, someone spotted 2 Green Herons that immediately flew off.