More about our Bird Star [Post III]
Photo by Lloyd Spitalnik - 25 January '08 -
It's Saturday at Union Square Park: Greenmarket vendors, amateur art sellers, dog walkers, tourists, street musiucians [today-- a country-music fiddler] and --now a regular feature-- scores of birders with telescopes, camera, binoculars of every price range, converging on the south-west corner of the park -- in the little island with the Ghandi statue -- to see the Scott's Oriole
Eric Salzman, a composer and a notable birder, (as well as the book editor for many birding magazines) sent the following optimistic note to e-birds:
The Scott's Oriole in Union Square appears to me to be in the process of molt. If so, and if it continues to find enough food to sustain itself, I think it would be unlikely to wander off. So we may have the pleasure of being able to watch it molt into adult plumage over the coming weeks!
And Robb Jett, who usually does his birding in Prospect Park , posting all news on his excellent website -- --visited the bird today. His report and the bird's GPS coordinates , are below:
statue, on the west side of the equestrian statue of George Washington.
In the unlikely event that you get lost in Union Square Park and need to use your GPS unit, here are the coordinates for the three areas described: